Redwood City Councilman and Vice Mayor Jeffrey Gee, re-elected for a second term last month, was chosen by his colleagues Monday night to serve as mayor in 2014.
Though Gee’s nomination did not face opposition, the seven-member council was divided in selecting his successor as vice mayor. Council member Rosanne Foust, a former mayor and vice mayor, won the position by a single vote.
Members of the City Council nominated both Foust and Councilman Ian Bain, but Foust was the first candidate to receive four affirmative votes.
Foust said the vote demonstrates that council members do not agree on everything, but she added that they share a “love and commitment to Redwood City.”
The council’s final meeting of the year drew a standing-room-only audience, as City Clerk Silvia Vonderlinden administered the oath of office to the three recently elected members: Gee, John Seybert and Diane Howard.
Seybert is serving his second term. A former mayor of Redwood City, Howard left the council in 2009 but decided to run for office again this fall. The swearing-in was an emotional experience, she said. “It really hits you when you say those powerful words.”