Palo Alto schools debate new calendar

The Palo Alto school district’s proposed new academic calendar, designed to alleviate stress among high school students, has met varying levels of support and resistance from the community.

Superintendent Kevin Skelley would like to see Palo Alto students at all grade levels start classes a week earlier, on Aug. 16. First-semester finals would be shifted to December to prevent high school students from spending their winter break studying for exams.

New dental clinic to add dentists to East Palo Alto

East Palo Alto, CALIF.—Waiting for her doctor, six-year-old Alejandra Vazquez sat patiently on the check-up table, every fidget crinkling the paper beneath her. Yesterday a dentist at Willow Dental Care in San Jose extracted one of her baby teeth. Alejandra said the dentist pulled the tooth because “it was loose,” but her mom explained, through a translator, that the tooth was decayed and that Alejandra needed several cavities filled.

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