Empire Vintage Clothing, located at 443 Waverley Place, differs immensely from the surrounding boutiques of University Avenue. Rather than selling new or brand name apparel, the store distributes one-of-a-kind vintage pieces from the 1940s through the 80s.
The store opened in 2010 and has since then been a go-to Palo Alto location for used vintage goods. Tiffany Gush, the store’s founder and owner, describes her store as a place to find the “weird and unusual.” Gush single-handedly does all the store’s purchasing – selecting what clothing and accessories the store will buy and re-sell.
Empire Vintage Clothing sells both men and women’s apparel and specializes in providing unique costumes and high quality, affordable pieces.
In the following video, take a peek through the colorful doors of Empire Vintage Clothing and hear why customers and Gush agree that buying vintage apparel is more rewarding than purchasing regular clothes.