
Follow the dragnet: Website lets you stream police blotter

Wanting up-to-the-second news on police chases, natural disasters and, now, manhunts is nothing new. But thanks to new technology, you don’t need a police scanner to get a raw feed of information. While police scour a Sunnyvale neighborhood in search of a shooting suspect, more than 1,000 people are monitoring police radio traffic at,

Sunnyvale gun store opens near schools

U.S. Firearms became Sunnyvale’s first dedicated gun store in 20 years, drawing the ire of many nearby residents and parents.

The business, permitted under the city’s zoning codes, is less than a mile from two elementary schools and a preschool. While the business owner began applying for permits in December, neighbors were caught off-guard — only discovering the store’s existence when the building’s marquee was unveiled three weeks ago.

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