With California’s unemployment rate reaching 12 percent in July, Stanford Blood Center is trying a new approach to encourage blood donation – give blood and get the chance to meet with Silicon Valley job recruiters. Organizers are banking on the idea that, for people out of work, a little pain could be worth a big career gain.
The Stanford Blood Center has three locations in Palo Alto and Mountain View, and anyone who donates blood between between Sept. 1 and 13 will have free access to Giving Blood Works, a career-counseling and networking event in Palo Alto on Sept. 13.
“Giving Blood Works will be a valuable experience at this particular time, because so many unemployed people have been out of work for years,” said blood center marketing manager, John Williams in a written statement about the event.
The statement went on to say:
The event will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the center’s location at 3373 Hillview Ave. in Palo Alto, and will feature career experts Lisa Stotlar and Ellen Schulman. The workshop, titled “Reduce your job-search time significantly, leveraging a high-touch networking approach in the high-tech valley,” will focus on the latest networking techniques. Recruiters from 4Info.com, Option 1 Staffing, Tibco, Stanford Blood Center and more will discuss job opportunities and collect resumes.
The Stanford Blood Center advises that donors should be in good health with no cold or flu symptoms. They must eat well prior to donation, drink fluids and present photo identification at the time of donation.
The center’s website says it supplies more than 100,000 pints of blood and blood components per year to seven hospitals to help an estimated 30,000 patients. It must collect 200 pints of blood a day to meet the need of area patients. Currently, there is a particular shortage of blood types B negtive and O negative.
I would like to give blood during your drive.
However, I lived in the UK for 3 months in 1982 (is this rule still in effect?)