According to the 2008-2010 American Community Survey, less than 13 percent of East Palo Alto residents aged 25 years and older hold at least a bachelor’s degree. Statewide, roughly 30 percent in the same age group obtain a bachelor’s degree or higher, while neighboring cities such as Palo Alto and Menlo Park boast numbers up to 80 and 70 percent in the same estimates, respectively.
But one East Palo Alto high school is bucking that trend. At Eastside College Preparatory School, 100 percent of the 300 students go on to attend college. Many are the first in their families to do so. This video examines the schools’ unique approach to educating an at-risk population.
Great piece!! Nice to see kids working hard and then having it pay off.
One issue left out of the video is where funding for all the scholarships ($17,000 each) comes from. Private? Public? Grants? Fundraisers? Major donors? Other?